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Men's Jewelry Makes a Comeback

What do you think of when you think of David Beckham? World class football? Incredible good looks? His former Spice Girl wife Victoria? David Beckham may be all of these things, but another thing you have to give him credit for is his contribution to men's fashion. Wife Victoria is the one who usually gets credited for being the fashion plate, but David Beckham has single handedly put many styles on the map for me.

He has worn skirts and nail polish, he has worn his hair in every style imaginable a number of employs , and he has made it cool for guys to wear jewelry again. Far from being the cheesy kind of jewelry you might associate with men from the disco era, David Beckham's jewelry style is flashy so just after making , unique so just after making , and all man. Thanks to Beckham, men no longer have to miss out on the fun of having a few jewels around their neck.

Beckham The Jewelry Designer

David Beckham made his debut as a jewelry designer at the party he threw for the England team prior to the World Cup. Beckham himself showed up to the party decked out in some of his own jewelry designs, and his team mate Ashley Cole took it a step further and decided to forgo a shirt and instead drape himself in tons of jewelry by Becks.

At the party, Beckham auctioned off pieces of jewelry designed by him and his favorite designers, including Jacob Arabo, which was very profitable for the charity groups who received the proceeds. Seeing the England football team embrace men's jewelry so openly did wonders for the image jewelry had with "average joes." With this move, Beckham made it ok for guys to wear jewelry and still be a man.

Buying Men's Jewelry

Even through men's jewelry is only getting more and more popular as the time passes, there is still a somewhat limited selection of what is considered "men's" jewelry. There are tons of big chains with emblems like diamond encrusted dollar signs and the like that are popular so just after making , but some guys may want something a little more understated. This is where custom jewelry design may come into the picture.

A custom jewelry designer can help you come with piece of jewelry, be it a necklace, bracelet, ring or something else, that is masculine and tasteful at the same time, and that looks exactly how you want it to look. Many custom jewelry designers specialize in jewelry looks for men, so seek one out who has the expertise and the experience to design you a great piece of jewelry you can wear with pride and confidence.

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