
Target Action Planning - The Missing Link Between Strategy & Tactics

Target Action Planning - The Missing Link Between Strategy & Tactics

Most affairs proud themselves on their gorgeous strategies. However, ask how they translate strategy into tactics apt generate results and they will predictably work silent.

What they absence is simply a goal- and priority-setting system to bridge strategy and tactics that creates action and accountability.

Target Action Planning (TAP) is a technique you can use when your company is embarking on a new initiative or exertion with which it has mini or no experience. This might be the evolution of a new market, the mansion or adjusting of a distribution channel or the launch of a new product or notion, each of which spawns a new process in the organization. It may even support a newly built role amid your staff.

Use TAP while your company needs to evaluate, appraise and fine-tune its workload and priorities. TAP involves assessing the skills, resource allocation and priorities of your business and how closely they aline with your strategic directives.

Every company absences an efficacious system that aligns its people and departments with the mutual goals that correspond to the Critical Success Factors (CSFs)��the entities that, if not done, will result in the company��s failing. TAP aligns company resources and provides the method to negotiate (cross-departmentally) for resource prerogative and delivery. This is a opener space that pestilences numerous organizations.

TAP brings poise, coordination and integration to the organization and minimizes personal agendas.

The 7 steps of Target Action Planning

Step One: Define current tasks, priorities and projects for yourself and the employees who will use the TAP system

This list includes everything that is currently consuming company time, energy and effort. This is simply a definition phase. No assessments or decrees are made. Generate a document, using the emulating sample, for each of these tasks.

The Target Action Planning (TAP) Document

Task or project (defined in 5 words): ____________________________

Status of task: ______________________________________________

(New homework, work-in-progress, close to completion)

Target date for completion of task: _____________________________

Name of the employee managing this task: _______________________

Resources need to complete the task,

especially cross-departmental alternatively external company sources:



Step Two: Prioritize every of the projects or tasks identified in Step One

Rank each task as high, medium or cheap priority from the perspective of the individual or group that put the TAP document together for that task. Discuss CSFs with your staff during this ranking process. Most of us devote 70% or more of our period to ��operational tasks,�� things that are not necessarily critical to the business. The CSFs, although, commonly correspond to the strategic initiatives that pedal the business. Ask your staff what they trust to be the CSFs that assist the business as a whole, their group��s function, and their individual feature.

Step Three: Conduct a brainstorming training with your staff

You need to clear the slate so you tin see at the picture without the limitations and priorities that revolve around your company��s present workload and tasks. Completely bypass, for immediately, what has been captured and ranked in Steps One and Two. (That message will resurface in a later stage in the process.) This step allows you and your people to consider freely, either inside and outside the carton. Bring up topics such for the company��s positioning and messaging, changing trends in the market, buying influences, the competitive scenery, appraisal of the opportunity found, purchaser satisfaction (and save), the effectiveness of your sales and delivery aisle, acquisitions, and strategic leagues with third-party resources.

Sort out and file all output from this brainstorming session, teaming the entries in common categories��for instance, market issues or sales-related considerations. The resulting list of priorities is your Hit List.

Step Four: Define the key areas of focus derived from the brainstorming session

Rank the items on the Hit List from most premonitory to least meaningful in terms of value and impact. Then, catalog each portal as high, medium or low priority. At this stage, you need to get difficult. Scrutinize your Hit List. Trade-offs may be necessitated, yet your final list ought represent a valid picture of your company��s altitude priorities.

Each item on the ultimate list will be likened to the Hit List captured in Step Three. They will both be a mate, a pure mismatch, or in the ��gray zone�� (which means uncertainty) compared to the scope of key items discussed in the brainstorming session.

At this point, decide the destiny of each item on the Hit List: commit and do it, reprioritize it and do it later (decide on a target begin date) or eliminate it for it is not critical.

When you are done, the TAP process ambition have generated the undisputable priorities for your company.

Step Five: Compare the results of Step Four (what your company SHOULD BE doing) with the input from Steps One and Two (what your company IS doing)

This could be one eye-opener. You may ascertain that your folk have been focusing above the bad things��things that do not fuel CSFs.

Have your directors resolve what (and to whom) they will delegate from their aboriginal task list to make chamber for more essential priorities.

Step Six: Develop a new TAP document for each high- and medium-priority item on your Selected Final Hit List

The TAP document is a going movement arrange for a characteristic task or priority. A successful TAP document defines the task or project, the human responsible for it, and the team or cross-departmental resources that will be needed. It sets a pragmatic target appointment for completion, contours specific details about what the task will produce or generate, and lists the specific steps needful to complete the task. It also gives a clear definition of the anticipated results.

Step Seven: Implement the program

Conduct an orientation and kick-off session for your current priorities. Start slowly, tackling fewer challenging priorities and establishing from there. You want your people to savor success early and often.

Target Action Planning is simple, elegant and effective. How well does your company currently bridge strategy and tactics?

Are you ready to take a solemn look at TAP and apply it to your business?

Copyright 2007

Performance Marketing Group

Edmond M. Hennessy


